Monday, July 25, 2011

Glade TRC3263827

Well here it is: the last ship I've had to design for INSURRECTION. Designing stuff has been one of the best parts about drawing the story. Concept designers have a great job, but I like mine better. Visual storytelling allows me to wear many different hats: director, actor, cinematographer, editor, concept designer, etc...

I made this in Google Sketchup. Anyone who uses the program will immediately notice how shoddy my work is. :-) I do okay with sketchup but what I'm learning is that the more you preplan, the easier your job will be once you're in the program. My problem is that I usually start working in sketchup with only a rough sketch or vague idea to go on, hence all the patchwork and makeshift techniques. Still, I don't worry too much since all the stuff I do there is only as a guide for my drawings.

I know this sounds like sucking up, but serious thanks to Google for creating this program! For comic book artists it is the best thing since sliced bread (and by sliced bread I mean Photoshop).

By the way, if anyone recognizes the number I used as the registration ID I'll be impressed.


Joe Tages said...

Those designs are awesome! Very sleek and streamlined stuff. And the registration ID? That's the garbage compactor unit number from Star Wars!

Unknown said...

You got it! So you're as big a Star Wars geek as myself. :-) And the TRC in front of the letters is short for TRash Compactor, hahaha. Maybe it should have been GC.

And thanks for the kind words! On one of my next projects I'll get to design stuff like crazy, which I'm really excited about. More on that later...