Wednesday, April 06, 2011


I have a few colored pages on my DeviantArt site so I'll put them up here along with a couple of extras.

I finally finished the art for issue 2 and will post a few of those pages soon. I was wiped out for a couple of weeks with a bad cold so the issue is shipping a couple of weeks late. It's worth the wait though. the story gets very interesting in issue 2 and it's got a great ending. If the ending to issue 2 doesn't hook you then nothing will.

Just to be clear: when I talk up the book, I'm not referring to my art, I'm referring to the story. I didn't write it so I'm a fan like everyone else when it comes to this, the only difference being that reading the script is my equivalent to reading the comic. Blake Masters and Michael Alan Nelson have gone a great job of creating a world I find very interesting. I'm a huge sci-fi buff - I grew up reading sci-fi novels - so this is right up my alley. They also do a great job of letting the visuals do the heavy lifting in the book. That is a really nice thing for me and really helps to keep me invested in the story. If you read a lot of comics you'll find that a lot of writers feel the need to have dialogue in almost every panel, backing up or reiterating what is happening visually. Masters and Nelson aren't afraid to have entire pages without a lick of dialogue, which makes me want to ensure I do the visuals justice. It's a brave thing for them to do and I really appreciate it.

Darrin Moore, the colorist on the book, has done a great job. I really love to color my own work so it's hard to let go of these responsibilities. If you're not a top tier artist at Marvel or DC it seems to be a real crapshoot as to what you're going to get color-wise. A lot of colorists get jobs coloring because they know programs like Photoshop or Painter, not because they understand color theory. Darrin has done a great job. His work compliments my work quite well; it never dominates or confuses. Two issue in and I feel totally comfortable about what's going to come back from him. I'd work with him again in a heartbeat and let me tell you, that's a great feeling of relief. I hope, from the pages below, that you'll agree. There are some especially good pages from issue 2 that I can't wait to share.

And finally, I read the script for issue 3 last night and it just gets more and more interesting. Another good ending. The only real shame about this book is that it's only 4 issues.