Starting from the beginning, here's the horrid piece of graphic flinging that started the whole thing:

Next up is the first of the new sketches, just trying to lay everything into place. It's better, but it's not great.

Clean it up and it starts to look acceptable. I am, of course, still not happy with it.

I happen to be a tall person who used to be quite skinny, so I think that a lot of the people I draw turn out that way, including the above sketch, so I redid it, shooting for a slightly shorter person, or at least a more robust person (whatever the heck 'robust' is supposed to mean).

Again I think it's a little better but the pose in general is quite stiff and there's no sex appeal whatsoever, so that's when you have to bite the bullet, trash the pose that's not working, and start over.

Now I finally like what I'm seeing. I cleaned this one up and inked the final version.

Personally I think I like the sketch version of this better, but it was still a good exercise and proved that I have managed to grow at least a tiny little bit in the last five plus years. I hope that three or four years from now I will again look at this last piece, see it for the horror that it is, and be able to do it that much better yet again.
Dude, this looks great!
Hey Mike, I only just now saw this. Thanks! Just trying to keep up with you. :-)
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