The movie I've been working on is finally filming, and I'm still doing storyboards for it. I will share some of those at some point - maybe once the movie is released. Meanwhile I got to design and draw a tattoo that will play an important roll in the film. No harm in sharing that much at least:

Before things got so busy for me I was beginning work on a new Simon Brizdale story. I got the first 4 pages pencilled. I was going to use pencils as the finished art but have since changed my mind. I like my work better inked, which also just happens to make some of the things I like to do when coloring in Photoshop a lot easier, so I'm trying to scratch time for that nowadays. Anyway, here are the pencils for the first 4 pages. Nothing exciting going on yet, but the fun begins soon enough. Hopefully I'll be able to make some good progress over the holiday season. I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

Meanwhile I hope everyone has a great holiday season. Cheers.
man, great job on these with pencil. can't wait to see the ink. really like it all.
Thanks! Sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your nice words, but I only just now realized this comment was here!
Happy new year!
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